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Oct. 16, 2020

Ep 17: F**k Molly's Game!

Ep 17: F**k Molly's Game!

This week we watched Aaron Sorkin's debut film, "Molly's Game". Chosen by Sean in order to taint Giannis' love for Jessica Chastain.

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Hello, this is Sean and welcome to fuck your opinion a movie review podcast. Before we get started, please make sure to like follow subscribe, write a review of this podcast wherever you are listening right now and please be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. All those are linked in the description. Enjoy the episode. Jani is something I wanted to tell you was that one of my one of my co workers is listening to the podcast. And you know what he told me the listener? Yes, we have a consistent listener. He consistently listen to two. Okay. We have Mona and Burnaby Burnaby if you're listening to this episode, thank you for listening. Anyways, thanks, Benny. Does he like Benny? Now he goes by burner by Bert burner. burner burner. Okay, burn was cool, too. I haven't Anyways, thank you. burna You're great. Yes, thank you. But the point that I'm trying to make and which I've told you in the past, is that the best part of our episodes is the beginning when we shit on each other. Oh no, Shawn, I don't think that I want to talk about the movie. You could just cut all the beginning bullshit is the best part the best part? I You're the worst impressions. I can't have my six year old niece could do a better impression than you I can't do it an impression I can't in fact I've heard her do a better impression it's jack nicholson surprisingly good chicken do a good jack nicholson This is all been a lie. I don't have a nice the way you guys say that kind of shit. It's not funny. I'm getting there I'm almost to that age. Anyways. What did you say about burner burner you were we got we took that we took that other not the road less traveled by we took the little path beaten into the grass. It's it's not quite fully formed yet. But we took that one again. Jani. Why? Okay, listeners, listeners. I just need you to know right now. Well, Jani was doing that. Because you probably were like why is Jani sound a little weird right now? Why is he sound a little distant from the mic? Well, that's because Jani decided to turn away from the mic and do a little hand motion. For me. Even though he knows we are recording. This is audio only. So he ruined his audio to show me something visually, that you're never going to see what the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do this one and I understand the media and you're working now. What are one listener one have to have? I want to know what half of our listening audience has to say about I told you what he had to say that the beginning you said what you had to say. He said that they be getting banter is great. It's the best part of the fucking show. Okay, okay. Yeah, that's Yeah. All right. You didn't say you? You said you always I always saying that's when I shine. Yeah, I said that. I said, Here on the green line. What when we when I go back and edit it, we're gonna hear I said it and you weren't paying attention. Okay? What if I walk? Where's my podcast then boy, Amy, like, walk right now or walk in, like in a general sense, like, literally or figuratively. Like if you walk and go take and pass. I don't care. If you walk and go and the episode we can just re record it or something. I don't care. If you're going to walk figuratively, like, I'm done with this show. Then, you know, I can find somebody else. You're not the one who edits. You're not the one who puts any legitimate time into this. So you know why? Fuck off. I wash my hands of you. Like you wash off the Coronavirus? Oh, no, I don't wash my hands ever. Oh, natural selection baby. I really hope you get it and it kills you. I really Fingers crossed, you know. Okay, so we have a we have another consistent listener. We have another fan. Let's work on getting more of those. Yeah, guys, Share, share this podcast, recommend it like it, review it, do all the things. We got our Facebook page, we got to Instagram we got a Twitter, we got all those things. Also, to our to listeners. Thank you for your support for your generosity, for your continued enjoyment of the work the hard work that I do. I didn't say we do. I want you to know that I specifically didn't say we do. And that I said I do. Okay, thank you for the for the hard work that Shawn does. 70% of Hmm, thank you from from the from the bottom of my hearts heart. I mean, really, if we want heart if we divided a time wise it's more than 70%. But yeah, no, no, it's more like a 9010 split. But yeah, those were the terms we agreed on when we started Added unsticking target rats or aigrettes, I'm just I'm writing I'm writing this canoe down ups Well, I wanted to say ups from a class, that's a class for tennis. But this is ultimately going to end in, in a plummet, we're just going to be, we're gonna go to the jagged rocks, slowly sharpening over eons of waterfall and just just just disavow ourselves on there, maybe you are, I think and want to grab a tree branch on my way down and survive you with your upper body strength against against the force of a rapidly moving even a mildly moving river, I would not bet your upper arm strength, am I saving your life? Now I'll give you that my upper arm strength is that of a toddler, maybe three or four years, Shawn, I predict in that, in that scenario, in that in that visualization of the functionality of this podcast, in that scenario, I predict the only way you escape from that is if I catch the branch and then decide to grab you. I think I think what it really is more so that out of dumb luck, I and I fall onto the branch with my legs and then crush my crotch. So I lose my manhood. But I survive. So do you think that you know, maybe maybe or worse at it? I feel like it would exacerbate the issue. You know? It can we can find out with? I don't know, you know, ask a doctor. That's what I'll do. I'll ask a doctor have this specific scenario. Do you think that'll help? I mean, if you if you want to pay the guy $200 to ask him that question or woman? I'll go ahead. Oh, I'll ask on Reddit, or I'll ask on like, was it yahoo answers or something? Like? asked? Yes. I'll ask. I'll ask. Jeez. If I fall onto a tree branch and crush my penis, well that cure my prostate otitis. You know, it's not really the, the phallus I'd be worried about it's more the the Squirtle sack that I'd be a little more worried about crushing. I mean, the whole, the whole thing's going down my friend. You know, none of it survive. And well not if you talk if you talk certain parts, but don't talk the others. You've got a 5050 shot of you know, one part making it and I think, do you think I'm going to talk properly? I don't have that faith in myself. Like I would bet on myself over you. I would also bet on certain parts of the male genitalia surviving that impact over the others. You know, let's just get into this. All right, yeah, I'd say I'm the phallus in your in your the scrotum. If we're a package deal, we're on the I know I'm the No we're not. Oh, I don't like pickles. I don't like where we're going with this one. No, no. Yeah, let's get started. Hello, listeners and welcome to fuck your opinion, a movie review podcast with yours truly, Sean and my comb Scotto here. Ah, hey, Jani. How you doing? I'm doing? I was just about to ask. Well, I wasn't gonna ask you. I was gonna ask the listeners how they were doing. I don't really care about how you're doing. It's not something I think about regularly. Why you're gonna ask the listeners how they do and they're not gonna respond to you. They're not saying anything. Just one side. listeners. I value you so much. Okay, well, listen, are you all two of you? listeners way more than Shawn and everyone else outside of that, too. We can have three listeners by now. But Yani, you asked listeners, how they're doing there's only one of two scenarios is going to happen. Either. They're not going to say anything. Because why the fuck would they or be they are going to say like, Oh, I'm good. Oh, I'm not so good. And that case, if they are talking to the podcast, and you're not gonna be responding to them, that's kind of weird. So listener if you did respond to Jani asking how you're doing, you said it verbally. I'm sorry to say that's kind of weird. This is no it could be like a lake house situation. You know that Keanu Reeves Sandra Bullock movie where they just slowly over over the years, communicate through this time traveling mailbox or whatever. It is actually I've never seen it, but it'll be like that. I'll just I'll have one little response every episode with our with our listeners, and it'll just span on and on like that and who knows by the end of this we could be like pretty close. I think there's gonna be more like a john wick situation where I just fucking kill you. I haven't seen that one. What is that you haven't seen is you've seen john Wags on a pirate line to me. It sounds like it may be a period piece. Okay, picking john with next in it. I'm picking Keanu Reeves. That's why I brought it up. QA. Oh, yeah, Bill. He's bill, right. I never seen bill and Ted, you've seen voluntad I was gonna pick bill and Ted. And you said no, Shawn, you can't pick bill and Ted. I like Bill and Tad. Oh, I thought you were talking about my neighbor's bill and Ted. I'll fuck off. Listeners so I probably cut the previous conversation. So if I did, we talked about Milan paying $30 or etc, etc. Don't add face music is go and video on demand. And like two weeks, you know who's gonna pay $20 for it. Me this guy. Yeah, I'm going to pay 20 bucks. You should share. You should share your login info for that because I would actually like to see it. Yeah, fuck off. Only if I will be not only if I pick it. If I pick it, then yeah, if I pick it then sure. Oh, well, I'll send you my login info. Otherwise, they're too good too good sequels with over 20 years between installments, Fury Road and 2049 for all of its flaws. So it could be good. Who knows? Yeah. In these uncertain times, with times being as uncertain as they are. who really knows? I have no idea. I like to remain hopeful. We'll see. I love bill and Ted. Anyways, I can't remember if I even said what this podcast is. This is the movie review podcast this podcast the fuck up. So this is a movie review podcast where y'all and I, Jesus fuck. Let me get through this. So this is the movie review podcast where Jani and I each week trade off picking movies. One of us picks a movie that we assume the other one is going to hate that we actually love. And then we talk about it. We debate it. We say why Jani is wrong. This week. I picked Molly's game, a tremendous, tremendous film. Now, before we get into Molly's game, I want to bring up two things real quick first thing, green tea quote of the day listeners longtime listeners, you know our two listeners. Sean Sean green tea quote. quote is think seriously and think honestly, just like Molly blue. That last bit wasn't part of the quote. But you know, I think it's appropriate. Second thing I want to do when you were drinking, I missed you had a sense of humor. I am drinking Jani. You want to say why I have? It looks like kool aid on wine glass. Strawberry Kool Aid. wine glass. What is I actually, it's I've never had it before. It's the Trader Joe's white zinder. Phil, is that what it's called? The red wine. Winterfell something like that. I Fidel symphonette does infidel is that's what it is. What is it? sidford towel. I have no idea. I've never heard it. I just bought it because it's to bottle wine. Yeah, to wine remind me is a bubbly. Now it's not bubbly. But it's good. bubbly, why it goes down smooth. Let me tell you. I like it. I'm gonna buy more. This feels very, very good. And also because it's so rad. I feel like it goes along with this film. And Jessica chasteen you know, hair cuz she's redhead? Well, the Cinemax version of Jessica chasteen doesn't have red hair. Her hair is Oh, yeah, the Cinemax version. A Jesus. Okay, that's that's proof. I actually watched this one. Yes, I'm able to quote him. Wow. Good job Jani. You're masterful. What? A what a knock. That I haven't actually watched any of the movies Shawn. I just guess I bought he just search on Wikipedia episode. He just google Wikipedia, search it and go. This is probably what it is. No, just surprisingly good guesses. Is this more of your show? Yes, humor. listeners. If you laugh at that, I want you to write in and tell us that you laughed at that at fk your opinion podcast@gmail.com. If you didn't laugh at it, email us if you did email us because we still have no emails from anybody, but I'm assuming you didn't laugh at it. You have to have listeners to have emails Fuck off. Second thing I want to bring up was that I don't know how much I'm going to get into it in this episode. But things accidentally lined up really well in regards to this film that we watched and also my personal life because listeners right now I am being sued. Yes, you heard that right Shawn gassing suit on? Uh huh. Dude, can you believe I was in my home and then we're okay. Then someone knocked on my door. And now now I as the introvert people haying person I am someone knocks on my door. I just leave it be I let them go. I don't give a fuck. You know, if you actually have important things. It's an Amazon package and you leave at the front. If it's anything else if you're a Mormon, if you're what what well, who are the groups that if you're a petitioner, you were stabbed in the street and you're just looking knocking on the door? you're yelling out God helped me please. Someone help me if you were stabbed in the stomach. Just knocking on a door sewed your lips shot. Cream. Give one circumstance is that is that way you? Did you did you do that? Is that why you're thinking of this situation? Anyways, anyways, hailer anyways, you jerk off. I knit. I didn't open a door. But my roommate he did. guy says Sean Corbin says no. And my roommate turns to me. Now me I have my back to the door. So I didn't I had like a split second reaction. I thought I was an Amazon package or something. Even though I had not ordered something, so is really fucking confused. So were they dressed like an Amazon driver, head back to the door saw nothing. Okay, so I turn and I'm like, right out the door too. So I turn to the guy. He serves me a summons. And I'm like, What the fuck? Who is suing me for? Well, actually, first reaction is Oh, actually, that is the first reaction. Who the fuck is suing me? second reaction is during a pandemic, someone came to my house and gave me a pile of papers. During a pandemic. I'm not getting COVID because someone's fucking suing me and giving me a piece of paper. What the fuck is wrong with you? Okay, that's the big thing, like to the lawyers that sued me really, guys. Really, I have a big issue just with that, you know, third of all listeners, I don't know how much of this I'm going to keep. There's a deposition coming up. This podcast is airing after said deposition. But I don't know what the settlement will be. I don't know the timeline of said settlement. So if this is censored a bit, and things are taken out, I'll let you know. And I'll release a full I'll release a full episode later. Hey, folks, deposition was pushed back. And this episode is coming out before. So fun, fun, fun. cutting all this stuff out. Maybe you'll hear it later. Maybe you won't. And that's why I'm gonna rant about that a lot of the time today, because I am in a similar predicament to Molly bloom, where you just go like in the beginning scene where she got served by the FBI with a ton of guns. I got served with the pandemic, so more or less the same thing, you know? And yeah, so this is gonna be a fun fun episode. Let's get into this. Can't wait. Yeah. So Shawn. Yeah. Putting that aside, stowing that in your back pocket for the moment. Why did you pick this one? Seems a little bland for you. It's First of all, it's not bland. Second of all, no, it's just I'm gonna get into my main point. There's no second of all. I really love this film. I really love Sorkin in general. Everything that I've seen of his I've really enjoyed Steve Jobs, social network, West Wing, even studio fucking 60. I like I know most of y'all don't like Studio 60. I do. Anyways, Molly's game. It's a film that I kind of went into even though I enjoy Sorkin not super hyped up about it. I was like, Okay, let's see what this is. was immediately pulled in. I loved it from literally the first couple of seconds. And in that initial viewing of the film, I was just so absorbed and grasped into it the entire time. I found it thoroughly Engaging. I found it extremely riveting. It was just, it felt like a race the entire time. But the best kind, I really love Sorkin's dialogue. I often like his stories and characters is sometimes on the nose about some things. And he's also not perfect. Don't get me wrong. That being said, I just, I enjoy this style from the writing, but I also really like a lot of his directorial decisions. yonis just shaking his head. And what else are they gonna say? But I yeah, there's just a lot of this film that I really love and enjoy. And it's also something where the themes and ideas present are things that really connect to me emotionally. So I often find myself coming back to it, and re examining it within the context of my own life. So even though like I watched this movie, probably like four months ago, so it was really fresh in my mind, and I was a bit nervous to watch it again. Because we've talked about rewatch ability, and I'm kind of like, I don't really want to rewatch things. I don't like that. You know what, put it on. And I thought, okay, I want to do some other things. I'll just watch the first 30 minutes or so right now. And then do stop it go and do other things, right? Because I'm already familiar with the movie. Nope. Like the previous times, I got so wrapped into it. So engage, that just watched the whole thing throughout. So I'll get into all the specific reasons why I love this film later. But Yani, tell us, what is your plot? Actually? Wait, no, sorry. Before we do that, my rating my rating? 8.3. What's your rating? It's 8.3. Point three decimals are allowed. That's high. Yeah. Because I think I had to put a higher I don't know maybe possibly, I cannot put it higher than the Scooby Doo movie, you know, by a couple of decimal my three points. Sure. So I mean, it was a man, you're you you really dish out those AIDS. Like, here's the thing, they're flapjacks. Here's the thing. Like I don't think it's Sorkin's best movie. And I don't think it's his best work. So before I really will not know let me finish. So before I rewatched it, because the second this is the third time I've seen it the second time I watched it I was a little not as gung ho about it. So I went into it thinking oh, I'm probably going to give this a high sevens. But then after watching it this time, like oh, no, fuck no, I really love this movie. This is really good. 8.3 Okay, yani Plot summary. Go. I'll tell you what, folks, my rating at the end of this. It's not going to be a fraction of Sean's because I can actually rate films rather fairly. But here's what I mean. What does that fucking mean? No, you can't just walk away from matches. What does that mean? Jessica Chastain, for Jani in this freshman directorial effort. That's essentially social network with the narration cranked up to 11. Well, that's what it is. There are so many parallels in the frickin social network that this seems lazy right up next to it. Okay, I swear to if David Fincher had gotten a hold of this, he would have the guy makes David Fincher makes movies that are like two and a half, two hours 45 minutes long, he would have taken this script and like cut 100 pages from it still made something way better. same length of time. Goodness gracious. It is just a courageous. Here's the thing listeners. I can't remember if I said it Dolgin. I can't remember if I said it last week, but my intention picking this movie was the fact that I knew Jani has a big old crush on Jessica chasse thing, and I want to ruin and tarnish that for him. Now if I did, listeners, did you even I don't even know if they could hear my summary because you were shouting over me. In front of. That's right. You can cut I forgot gonna fix it just cut just cut it. Yes. Son of up. Go. You were gonna say something. Oh, here's the thing if I really want to ruin it for you, if I really wanted to ruin her for you. I want to pick from Miss Sloan because Miss Sloan is Sorkin light. I sent Jani a clip. I started rewatching that the other day cuz I remember liking that in theaters. And I got through maybe 20 minutes of that movie and said, I mean, this is not a piece of crap. But I also don't want to be watching this right now. So turn it off. don't intend on going back. It's not that great, where this one is a million times better. So it's fascinating that you hated this. I also give the caveat that it's kind of funny that even though I say I'm a Sorkin fan social network is the movie I've seen the least of his works. Actually, that's not entirely true. I've only seen it once but the thing is, I saw was when it came out in theaters. So I barely remember the thing. So I can't really compare the two or really talk about the two as a comparison but I definitely do see influences by David Fincher in this film. But Jani so many. Oh man, it's so terrible that he copied a good filmmaker and did a good job. It's no no, it's not that it's terrible. It's that it was his freshman effort, and it just naturally wasn't going to be terribly good. Most filmmakers, their first films, while perhaps entertaining will watchable. There are a lot of flaws with them. When working, it's a lot of boring cinematography, and a lot of quick die. I mean, Sorkin s dialogue, we all know what it is. It's very quick, it's very intelligent. But it's it's it's a little bit empty. And you have to have a good director who knows how to work with the actors. And you can't just lean on them. You can't just lean on the actors and expect they're going to be able to perform Aaron Sorkin's dialogue, you have to be able to coax it out of them. And that's the problem. I don't think Sorkin was even if he is experienced with actors, it felt to me like the majority of the time, it felt like he was leaning on the talent of the of the actors of the great a cast great cast fantastic actors, great performances, instead of really getting into the weeds and experimenting in his direction. Sure, I didn't. Actually. I don't think he was experimenting a ton. I'll give you that. But I still think he did a really solid job, but we'll get into that. We'll talk about that later. Because I want to actually get into things. Your summary. Let's hear what happened. Yes. So Plot summary. This gave me the real quick version. So Molly bloom, she is a self proclaimed poker princess. She started a poker league in Los Angeles, moved over to New York and made a ton of money, got involved with some mobsters and call it quits. Two years goes by she gets pulled in a Rico case, United States against the mobsters. She's like, I didn't know they were mobsters. I didn't do anything wrong. she seeks out Aegis Elba to defend her. He doesn't want to do so initially. But he sees that caffee that's his name. It's caffee. He sees that there's some good in her and says, you know, I'll defend you. Let's do it. So the movie operates on two levels. On one level is the quote unquote present day, or she is fighting to stay out of jail and mostly just banter between her and aegir selbo. And then we are also flashing back to kind of her rise from so in another life. Previously, she was an Olympic skier. But she had a horrible accident that ended her career. She kind of went to Los Angeles to figure out what you want to do with her life and fell into a side hustle of running a underground poker league with top level celebrities and extremely wealthy Fox. So she kind of grew that is that definitely aren't toe for grace or Tobey Maguire. Yes. I think it's Tobey Maguire. Definitely not Toby. It's totally not. Anyways, layer x. Yeah, no, Toby. Anyways, she builds it up. Very interesting. And then about halfway through the movie her and player x, aka not Tobey Maguire, have a have a disagreement. And she essentially gets shaken from the game and she's really frustrated, pissed off, has a low moment and says fuck it, I'm going to New York starts a whole new league whole new thing. thing to keep in mind is beforehand, she runs a technically legal poker game. But when she goes to New York over time she ends because the stakes are so high, she ends up soldering to take a rake, which means that as the house quote, unquote, she takes some money from the earnings. And this is technically illegal. So she falls into some criminal business, she doesn't really participate. And she doesn't. She's not really aware of any of that Jesus knows that the guys participating are extremely fucking rich. So anyways, US government is going after those rich assholes, she gets pulled in, and yada yada in an effort to protect other people's identities and other people's because they're subpoenaing her phone and her records and everything and it has a lot of personal data from literally everybody who has played the games. She's like, I don't know anything about what you're actually looking for. So that's useless to you. But if I give it to you, that's going to ruin people's lives because they're going to be outed for all these kinds of things that they've said to me all these, like, Oh, I wish I didn't have kids or something like that, like, so anyways. Oh, spooky. It was worse stuff than that. But point is, well, no, it was like, it was it was at it and so on her, you know, protecting the sanctity of her name. Exactly. Well, I mean, it's about it's about everything. Also, she has some daddy issues, which we'll get into later. And then she says, Yo, I want to just say I'm guilty. She says she's guilty. And she gets a rather light sentencing compared to what they were threatening her with. She does not go to prison, but she has to pay a hefty fine, and it cannot go to Canada. Jani. Do you think that's a strict enough punishment not to go to Canada? What are your thoughts on being restricted from going into Canada? So that's the summary we lovely parts of Canada. That's the end of the summary, folks. That's all that happens. It's a little disappointing to you. That's because it is God. Yeah. No, that's that's a pretty stern punishment, especially in in today's climate, politically, socially. You know, I know for for one, if I wouldn't, if I could not go to Vancouver, I would probably I'd probably just walk into the walk into the Atlantic one morning and never come back out of the water. But that's just me. Also listeners if you're a first time drive to get to the Atlantic, if you're a first time listener Yani went to school on Vancouver, so that's why I bring up the Canada aspect of it. So can we so that sat mean, if I can manage to get you banned from Canada, you'll drive yourself into the Atlantic? Yes. 100. purse. Okay, listeners, please write into fk your opinion. podcast@gmail.com. And tell me how can we get Jani banned from Canada? No ideas, a bad idea? All right. Let's get into it. So let's talk about favorite scenes. Yani, what is your most favorite scene. You know, we got a, we got a modest crop in this harvest. Or sorry, I'm like, well, Shawn, we produced a very modest harvests with this crop. But if I had to pick my number one, it would be it would be that quiet from the quiet during the storm. When Molly is in Kathy's office, and she's looking at all the legal books on the shelf and she's running her finger across them. And it's a it's a very good moment for her character. The viewer watches it and they realize that at one point, way back years ago, when Molly's youth she had ambitions of being a lawyer. And for a moment, we realized that we're dealing with a human being here, someone who doesn't need to be constantly talking or narrating as if she was born without the biological need to breathe. So I really enjoyed that. I believe that scene ends with Kathy coming in and her looking into whatever it was 1955 reading that. games of chance something about games of chance and poker technically being a game of skill or something. But yeah, that was a nice moment. What are your thoughts on that? great character moment didn't stand out to me was fine. While it was it was like a green thumb. It was the it was like a solid 30 seconds of quiet. And I really appreciated that. I mean, you're not tossed all the talk. You're not talking about them speaking to each other, right? I'm talking about her just not saying and no one's saying anything at all because Jessica stains voice so annoying, right. In this in this one? Yeah, kind of, kind of is. Wow, I said Aaron Sorkin managed to ruin it ruin Jessica chasteen for me, really disappointing, leading to my number one favorite scene. Just the fact that I ruined Jessica cesta and for y'all. I mean, it's just he's been talking about her for years and he was my queen. Listen, Jessica, if you're listening I know you aren't. But if you somehow are please share this with everybody all your listeners all your fans because we need those listeners really out to write actually, Aaron I want Aaron to know how I feel about this. But second, Jessica, I don't hold any ill will towards you. I'm also just not a fan. You know, you're fine. I'm not crazy about you. Yeah, she's fine. No, I didn't mean fine. Like I met. Oh, there was there. There was once I was watching, I think it was at the draft house. They were playing a trailer for a man of all seasons. And I forgot which actor it was. But they were listing off all the actors. And you're saying, like, all this review, this guy is so great. Oh, man, this is good. And one, the one in the reviews was like, let's say, Joe Smith, right? Joe Smith is fine. And they say, because like the movies from the 60s, and they meant to be like, fine, like, Oh, he's great, but now it's just like, now he's okay. Especially compared to like, a book. It's in the middle of spectacular reviews for all the other actors. So it's really fucking hilarious. But anyways, point is, that's not even my initial point. I just want you to know, I'm glad that I ruined Jessica for you. Thanks. I appreciate I guess I still have Bryce, Dallas Howard and Amy Adams to fall back on. All right, so we're asik world next week. She's in some very her eye. Her attire is very becoming of a woman of power and wealth. So Bryce or Jessica, I've already seen it, Bryce. Oh, you can't ruin that one for me. I've already seen it. I'm not crazy about it. And you don't like it? There's no way you can like that one. No. Well, that lady in the water. What if I pick a lady in the water? Don't don't don't pick lady in the water. And she knew don't pick lady in the water. She No. No. All right, listeners. If you have a terrible Bryce Dallas Howard film, let me know Jessica Chastain because I know you're listening. I'm sure you can just send me a great list, because I'm sure you hate her. Right? Send me a list of all your least favorite Jessica chasteen movies go. Anyways. Shawn, my actual favorites. My actual favorite scene. This is the first scene I call this one a film. Yeah. And this film. It's one of my dislikes. Okay, cool. Well get into it, then. I absolutely love the opening. I'm gonna be straight with you. This is one of my favorite film openings ever. Sorkin. I mean, I'd put Steve Jobs over this. Steve Jobs is my favorite. Like probably top three favorite openings. But this is probably top 10. I love that right away. It's like a bullet. It's right away. You're right into it. From the sound design to the visuals, the constant cutting between things. The narration, the music, and music is fantastic. Daniel Pemberton, who does music is one of my favorite composers right now. He's just really smart, really intuitive, really doing unique things. But that's neither here nor there right now. Point is, the movie just shows you what it is right away in a really engaging way. And it throws a shit ton of information at you is just like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, but none of it is difficult to process, you're able to thoroughly grasp it and engage with it in a way that is just really rewarding. And like I said, it brings you into it right away. But it's like, it's like, it just grabs you. And it's, it's just such a fun blast. Also, just going along with the themes of the film, what I really connect with is the idea that we have this character who is set up from the beginning, she knows who she wants to be in life, she even says in the beginning scene in an airport for narration that I'm going to do this, I'm probably going to win the metal. And then after that, I want to go to law school, then when I do this, I'm going to do that. So right before she goes down the slope, she has all these plans about what her life is going to be. And then as she skis down the slope, she runs into a twig that causes a crazy accident, which severely injured her. I don't know how severely we're kind of it doesn't really mean that doesn't really add up in the field. Right after by but the point is it? Yeah, I, I do have a little bit of an issue with that. But at the end of the day, it completely sets her off track. And it's something where it's just like, you know, personally, it's one of those things that I engage with, and I feel a lot right now. I mean, not to get too much into my life right now. But it's one of those things where I, you know, my entire life I set myself as I'm going to be a film director, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that. I had a real clarity for such a long time. And only until recently that I say, you know, I don't know, man, I think I gotta let that go. And then when you fail in life, what do you choose to be then? And one of the interesting things upon this rewatch is that this film dresses that question a lot like when you as the character fail when you as a person fail? What choice do you make? Do you choose to learn from that? Do you choose to be petty and go after people? Do you like what? Where do you go from there? Because she fails multiple times, other characters fail. And it's interesting to see where that goes. So that's an idea that's set up here. And like I said, it's something that I personally connect to on that kind of level. But also, I know it's not the same scene, but adjacent to it is the father every year records, video footage of her and her brothers asking them questions. And one of the questions he asks is, do you have any role models? And she says, No, because I am my own role model, I will set my own goals and achieve them, that's more or less the idea. So it's like that Uber self confidence. And then what happens to that when you don't achieve said goal? Now? Does the movie 100% capture that idea? No, I think it's a bit flawed in that regard. Yeah, I know Jani. But I think it's still there and a juggle too much. It is trying to juggle too much. I can't I can't I can't disagree with that. Johnny's doing a stupid fucking juggling motion right now. But anyway, I'm juggling, folks. I'm juggling. And now all the balls are in the air. And I just don't know which one to catch. And then just yeah, sure, the movie juggles too much. I wish my feet I wish it focus on that more. And one, when I watched a movie the second time, I want sorry, any film film more than 10 seconds? It's a film. I'll call it a film. I agree when I will say, okay, shut the fuck up. Not a great one. All when the movie decided to focus on that aspect that I was just talking about. I really connected with it. Some of the other ones, I was just like, get this out of here. This doesn't mean you need to be here. That particular one. I just wish it was a little bit better explored. But we're not talking about that. Right now. We're talking about the opening scene, I think beginning the end. It's also very witty, it's very clever. It's, it starts with like, it starts with a question of, you know, like 100 people were surveyed as to what was the worst thing that could happen to a sports player? Or what could happen sports? starts with that question. And by answering that Molly is also explaining her life story up until then, in five minutes, and it's I think it's brilliant. But yeah, Jani. Why do you hate it? Why do you hate it so much? Why do you hate Jessica? Chaston? I hate it for that exact. I don't. Jessica, I don't hate you. I can never hate you. The reason I just like the opening so much is why you like it so much. I've just given too much information. I feel like I know this person too quickly. And for that reason, in the first five minutes, I could already predict where her arc was going. I knew what it was going to be. I didn't need to watch the next two hours and 15 minutes of this two hour and 20 minute film, when I knew exactly what was going to Well, okay, not exactly what was going to happen, because there's no way I could predict the details without reading the book. Yeah. Did you know that? No, I didn't. But obviously, she's gonna go she's, you know that she's going to go through she's going to have some trials she's going to make like every other movie and we come out of it. Ultimately, a better Yeah, it's just too obvious. He just streamlines it in the first five minutes. Second of all, the setup, it's called setup don't. I felt like the character was already I didn't feel like I was dealing with a human being. That's the problem. I mean, every time I look at Jeffery, like you create this caricature you he created this caricature of a human being by trying to comprise of as many details as much personality as much quirkiness and peculiarity as possible in the first five minutes that after that point, I was just like, dude, I'm so done with this. I don't need to watch the next like hour and a half do I because I already know where this is going. Second reason it established the tone it established the tone and the form that we are going to be experiencing for the next two hours and 20 minutes and it's just dude it is not my style is I love it. I love it not why I sit down to watch a film. It's it's just too much information bombarding you simultaneously, that it feels like it's trying to juggle too much. And if you want to take a specific instance or a specific period of time, I think the themes are juggling too much but that is not I don't think the technique is no I think the technique definitely was trying to juggle too much for me, he just he just it lost me and all the talking talking about the talking about how the angle of descent was the same as the great pyramids like that had anything to do with it. I liked that. I liked that. I liked that. I don't care. I'm sure it matters, you know here so you can understand it better, engaging way to understand that was to to an Olympic athlete or an Olympic level athlete because she was never technically an Olympian. I'm sure it does matter, of course. Does the audience need all of that detail? No. Do I feel like it hurts ultimately hurts the story by what? I think ultimately, the way Sorkin decided to tackle this story heard it, but does it hurt the story by beginning it that way? Yeah, I think it does hard to separately from our disagree. And as a as a capstone to that. I also have the ending because the the film begins and ends with the same scene, it's her going down this hill, during the moguls, she hits her head goes unconscious, cut to her going to LA and then you have two hours two hours pass and she wakes up at the end of the scene at the at the bottom of the mountain and resists medical treatment or heads head or spinal stabilization stands up people allow her to do this and she walks alongside her dad to I don't know a high point just some point where the camera can't see any of the attendance and just it's her in the backdrop and then a ramp it's a well no it's a stick that you ran and see Oh, it's a stick that she ran in so long. Yeah, it is and that's that's nice, but it's a long way to go for a visual metaphor that doesn't make a whole lot of sense medically because there is no way after a spinal after you've gone unconscious even if it did have okay let's say it did happen it's crazy that they let her do that. There's no way they should have let her stand up after hitting her head going as quickly as she was going down that mountainside. Here's what I'll say thematically worked really well. Logistically real lifewise you're right it's really questionable. That being said and might have happened I don't know also EDS elbows character didn't exist. So who knows what actually happened? Oh wait interests elbows character didn't exist. Now he's made out. Oh, well, you know, they needed somebody to say that line that Dean's said that. Well, somebody needed to. I don't. Moving on. Yes. Moving on. So next liked scene. Eonni what's your next like teen? Oh, man. Do I like another scene in this one? You know what actually talking about Idris Elba kaffee By the way, this character has a name. It's caffee. Let's calm yours. There's a pretty good scene where Kathy and Molly are speaking with the prosecution and they're going over some questions. He belongs on a box of Wheaties that's that's what he said. Yeah, he that's how he that's how he parrots. His. His encomium split, essentially, that's what it is. He's just talking about the virtues of this woman. But that's how it ends it. He says that she belongs on a box of Wheaties after they've been asking her all these very invasive questions. They asked her at one point even like, if she'd ever accepted money, or she'd ever traded sex for money or favors or something like that. And it really showcased it just elbows talent as an actor. That's basically only the real right reason I like it. The writing is here's the thing, when we are not hearing Jessica chasteen narration it's a pretty well written film. And when the actors are getting the kind of free range to explore the longer dialogues because I'll admit that is something Sorkin is really good at he's good at writing a monologue writing a character's monologue, especially when it's something that they care about very deeply in a very emotional way. He's a great player and yeah, he's a fantastic actor. No, I think Sorkin is I mean, Aegis is great too. But Sorkin is good. Love the leash on him. He's good when he's got a leash on his neck. Otherwise, he makes Molly's game and groan is surprisingly unadventurous as a director. But yeah, I really liked that scene. It's one of not very many that I can say really drew me in minimally directed, you know, the camera doesn't. Sorkin doesn't try a lot. You know, you have nothing to say, you don't have to just continue rambling on. I really just, I'm trying to shut the fuck up. I want to give it I want to talk about my shit. Because you're just droning on right now. Okay, yeah, I'm assuming you have nothing significant to say, right? Hey, Sean, with the Dixie that you really like. That's incredibly offensive. What are you talking about that cut, cut. No one's gonna hear it. Then, then say it then the part where you say that. It's really offensive. No, I'm gonna keep that whole fucking thing. Unless you unless you say it again. I'm gonna keep the whole fucking thing. Well, Shawn, why don't you tell us what seen you light next? Well thank you for asking so eloquently Yani. Man, one of the gentlemen since we are speaking about Idris Elba. I'll just talk about him. I really loved all of his office scenes. To be honest with you, I can't really pick one in particular that I liked above the rest, because they all kind of flow all in and out. And because one of Sorkin's strengths in general is basically he's like a player. He's a playwright. So he often writes almost like one act plays, you know, one location, one kind of scene dialogue. He's good with that. Who cares? Exactly. So a lot of those scenes kind of act similar to each other. And I like him for similar reasons. So I'm just lumping them all together, and saying basically every scene that he has in his office with Molly, I really enjoyed, I really loved their banter. I really loved how they worked off of each other, their performances were fantastic. The dialogue was fantastic. I liked a lot of the points that were being made. I particularly liked I going off of earlier saying this movie is juggling too much. Something that I liked, but I wish had been explored a bit more was the contrast between Aegis Elba as a father compared to Molly's own father. I felt that was an interesting concept bloom. Yeah, that was an interesting idea that was brought in there. But with Aegis Alba's daughter, it just, it was there in the beginning is there at the end. I just wish there was more to it. It was fair once in the middle. Yeah, I mean, he talked about it, but I think it would have worked better if the daughter was in it more. Or if they had discussed parenthood just yeah, it was something like that. It would have been it could have been worked now brings it up a little bit. I'm saying more. Yes. No, I agree. I wish it wasn't more. But that being said, I don't feel like that discredits it. Like I said, I just really love all their scenes together. And I liked how they work off worked off of each other. And a lot of the ideas I'm not getting into any of them in particular all that much just because like I said, there's a general thing I really liked but yeah, anything else you want to add to that? Or are you already said you hated it? Yeah, no, I didn't. Yeah, no, I didn't hate it again. straw man straw man. I didn't hate it. I just it's that same problem. It's the same thing that you saw with full monty you saw how it was good, but you also couldn't help but look past the veneer and see all the imperfections there and see how it could have been better. That's my big problem. Okay. Okay, this I get you know, more than I see all the ways it could have stuck that landing unlike Molly bloom. Wow. stick the landing. Molly's game could have but it won't stick the link below Molly blue. Molly bloom. I'm gonna ask you. I hope you'll listen to this podcast. And I hope you just go well. Yani Fuck you, you piece of shit. Right into fk your opinion. podcast@gmail.com awesome. Molly. If you want our white Molly's game to just shit on Jani the whole time. Be my guest. That would be great. See, the thing is I will out him. You don't have to call me player x. You can call me Sean. No, no, she can. It'll be like the sequel is she becomes more like a not Tobey Maguire. And she just lives to ruin my life. That would be funny. I'd watched that. What if she ruined because we would also get a cut of that action? What? We would get a cut of it. Why Friday? What? Why she works to ruin your life by just teasing Jessica chasteen out to you the entire time. Like, oh man, you want to have a coffee meeting? You're not you want to go out to a bar with me and Jessica chasse. Dan, and then Jessica has to cancel at the last minute. And it just constant like you're almost getting to meet her or you finally get to meet her and you know how never meet your heroes. Jessica walks in and just ruins your life. That's what I'm hoping Molly, please ruin. Its psychological warfare. Yeah, exactly. Mm hmm. Let's do this. Okay. Okay. So if I had to pick a third scene that I liked, I would definitely have to say that it's going to be between Mali and what's his name like Donald something. The character played by Chris O'Dowd. Well played to Chris O'Dowd did a great job. It was a small character. Not a lot of depth to him, but standout performance. I would have liked to see But he was also pretty crucial to Molly's downfall into the plot for how little we saw of him and how little he was developed. That's a completely different thing. That's another issue. Like I said, juggling too much. I mean, yeah, the thing is like I saw down there, no character, and I want I want to allow you to speak more to that, but I feel like no character really gets enough time to shine. We're constantly moving so quickly. Between times character I mean, at it's just like not Tobey Maguire played by Michael Cera gets to shine a little bit. Player x is the only one But anyways, he's talking to Molly Molly's doing the books at the end of the night he comes over drunk and Molly starts talking about Searcy incorrectly refers to her as a goddess. She wasn't technically a goddess, a daughter of a sea nymph, and a titan healios the sun god air catches neither here nor there. She talks about how surrogacy would wouldn't anyone love you drunk and then turn them into swine? And that's a very that was a very important very self aware moment for her character. Maybe now that I think about it now that I'm reflecting on it. It should probably be my number one because it's another one of those quiet in the storm moments. One of the very few. My only issue and it's probably why I like the scene so much is that it comes right after this montage of her being very this very kind of hackneyed montage about her becoming disillusioned, she's doing drugs. She's narrating about how disillusion She said her reflection in the window and drops the it was just awful. None of that needed to be there. Everything that she needed to say everything that the viewer needed to know about Molly was said in this one scene with a perfect mythological parallel. And so Wow, I'm more frustrated about everything that came before it than I am about that scene that I'm talking about liking. Don't let that confuse you still really like this scene? Shawn, what are your opinions on it? I liked the scene too. For all the reasons you said. Also, you didn't really get it. I mean, you you kind of brought it up in the beginning. But I love Chris no doubt he has a really great performance for the short time that he's in there. He's kind of a bumbling idiot. Really funny. And those are great. So Molly says that really pointed speech and the point is totally lost on Chris hotels character. And it's really funny. It's kind of funny. Yeah, it's it. I'll get Yeah, it's a really great moment that I really liked it. And I whole film had been more like that. I would have been totally down for it. It was no and because this is one of your not like scenes, but because you brought it up. I think we should get into it a little bit is Molly taken all the pills and Molly being loot disillusioned with life and all that jazz? I agree. It's a it's a problem. Yeah. It's, it's more so a problem. And that it's kind of sloppily handled, and just kind of forced its way in there. It's something that right makes sense from the characters perspective. And it's not it's like, it's not that a problem that's in there. It's just how it's executed is poor. There's no tapering. Yeah, it's, and also, it's just like, Oh, I'm on drugs now. And now I do cocaine. And now I do all these drugs. Yeah, it's like it kind of it comes all of a sudden. And it's also this is going to be one of my complaints with a later scene, but also with this scene, second half of the film. So everything after she moved to New York. So I really love the first half of this film, but everything after New York, it becomes a bit of a slog. I still like it. They're still good moments, but it's not really well paced. Partly because what Yani brought up York is the branch. It's that branch in the snow. Oh, I mean, it's more so that like with the I brought up, there's too many thoughts and ideas going on here. So it just it doesn't, it doesn't flow. If this were if Sorkin had more time with this. If this had been like a limited series, I think a lot of these problems could have been fleshed out. And particularly with how Sorkin likes to write. I mean, I think that could have been great. That being said, I still think it's fine as a movie, but a lot of these threads get jam packed into really short timeframes, like something I'll get into later on in a moment, because it's one of my favorite scenes is the scene with Harlan where he goes tell it's a scene that I remembered really well but rewatching it I was surprised how little Harlan was actually in it, isn't it for maybe five minutes of the movie, but it leaves such a indelible impact on me. But really, it's interesting that there there are, because we're going through what, like five years of Molly's life. It's just one character after the next character if the next character the next character. Yeah, so it's more than five years she she starts at 20. She ends at 3515. I'm talking about the poker time period. Oh, the poker time period that she's in LA for like six or seven years have been in New York for two sounds. Yeah, between eight and a half. So point is a goes by really fast and suddenly we're Harlan, isn't it? It almost feels like he just joined the game. And they're like, Oh, yeah, he's been playing for years. It's like, wait, what the fuck? Why did that happen? Two years. I think that was that's a bit of an issue. So I had wished Sorkin had more time to develop it. I do like the montage style he implements. I really liked the narration. I think it's really effective. And I'll just segue into that scene right now. But just to finish off this thought, yeah, and the back half of this film, particularly with the pills, and with the mob and everything, it just, there's too much going on there doesn't necessarily work. Or it just it's not that doesn't work. It's just that it doesn't float well together. And things could have been left on the cutting room floor, or shortened. Anyways, seen I really liked. I really loved all the poker scenes, for the most part. But if I had a highlight one in particular, I would have to highlight. So right before Molly gets cut from her game in Los Angeles, there's a scene where they had recruited this guy named Harlan Harlan, unlike everyone else who is a celebrity or a big shot or someone who's really wealthy who's just quote unquote gambling. Harlan is more of a Joe Schmo who actually knows how to play poker and is really good at it. Now, what you also have to know for this scene is that there's another character named bad Brad bad Brad is a guy who doesn't know anything about poker. At least it seems to be everybody else. He doesn't know jack shit about poker. Really. He's just scamming them. But that's neither here nor there. But he doesn't know anything about poker. So Harlan, there's around where Harlan it's down to Harlan and bad Brad and Sorkin does a great job of basically explaining this all of us in real time. Because if we just watch it without the narration, without explanation, I would probably not understand really what's going on Serkan does a great job of Molly narrating over it, showing us the hands and what they mean and all that kind of stuff. Point is, it's Harley against Brad Harlan reads rad. Brad goes all in harlands. Like, oh, this guy looks like he's legitimately has a good hand, I'm going to lose this. I'm going to fold Harlan fold. And then he finds out from Brad that Brad actually had a shitty ass hand and was so oblivious to that nature of his hand that he didn't even know as a bad hand. And then this just sets Harlan off he goes, he loses that round. He just goes crazy. And it's just a series of bad choices throughout, I think the next two days because he's there for a long time, and makes a lot of mistakes and guesses his wife's birthday and goes over a million dollars in debt. It's crazy. Do I think it's the funnest poker scene? No, I think that earlier stuff is a lot funner. That being said, I think thematically for what I was speaking to earlier, it's a really interesting scene, because what I was saying earlier was that this film, in part examines what choices do we make when we lose when we fail, because this is a movie about poker, you're often seeing that from people. So this scene is really highlighting, okay, this is Harlan Harlan loses this hand, he fails at this hand. Now, and the overarching scheme of the competition of the poker game, he didn't lose a whole lot doesn't really matter. But at that particular round, but it sets him off and it leads him down a path of a ton of bad decisions in order to quote unquote, get back to even. And I thought that was a really fascinating idea. Because in a way, Molly throughout the whole film, whatever she loses is trying to quote unquote, get back to even and then when you get back to even usually it's in a way where you're like wait, but I can go one more. And I can do even better. You know I can and then you're pushing your luck, you're pushing your chances and then you fail again. So I I'm not going to get into a ton more but I just think that idea is really fascinating. And I like how that the move Kind of parallels and brings that up, you know, and everything. thoughts. Yeah, just, you know, you made an interesting observation there. It ties in the thanks, Johnny. But theme ties in to the Yeah, that theme ties into the game of poker pretty easily about breaking up, breaking even getting back to you. And I think that just trying to work your way up getting back, getting back to even trying to work your way back there. It's interesting that you can make that observation. I just can't help but feel that there are a lot of ways film could have done better with that. And I feel like this is a great time to segue into our least loved scenes. I'll just this was my number one because I've already discussed my other two. No, those are my if here's the thing, if I could have just watched this, and I'll probably just watch this whole thing on mute again, because, you know, I feel like I don't have to put it into where a lot of cleavage a lot of Yes, and she's a very, she's a very well figured woman has a lot of talent. But one of the ways in which it didn't really feel like Molly was working her way back up to even and it was just like Providence itself, shoved even back into her face. The most disliked scene. The most unearned moment in this whole film comes when daddy bloom just shows up at an ice rink that she's skating at. While Kathy and the prosecutors are discussing something Oh yeah, it comes right after the scene that I talked about being one of my favorites. She hits the ice rink doesn't have money. By the way. This is after she has purchased a pretzel instead of a hot dog because she only has $2 on hand. I don't know why she didn't trade the gloves for the hot dog instead of getting the pretzel more sustenance there. But what about if you're going to get a salty pretzel you need to drain didn't need to wash it down? Yeah, you just gotta grab the snow on the sidewalk and chug it down. There's New York City. That's that's snow is dirty and slushy. And it's brown. You're not gonna shove that in your mouth. That's gross. goes to the cashier at the ice rink says hey, I want to rent some ice skates. I don't have any money. But this glove is worth $800 and then cut to her putting on the skates and stepping out on the rink. Wow, that's a shy how that worked. No, that was a Molly bloom impression. But as she's skating around the ice rink, she's having these little visions of her putting her feet into her skates. I like that too. Were skis back when she was a skier and I like that and she's skiing faster around the repairable CG, the terrible staff with terrible CGI, it's just so bad makes me really sad that they couldn't just figure out how to shoot that on location. But the staff starts pursuing her telling her to stop. And wouldn't you know it, she looks over to the side. Papa's there at the ice rink, she collides with someone, she's kicked out of the ice rink and then daddy and her have a heart to heart. Now, I don't think my issues with this aren't necessarily the conversation that follows between them because I think it's something important my issues and I'm thinking you might agree with me here is that it feels totally unearned because the relationship with her father is just something Sorkin was trying to hide amidst the hurricane of all the other elements swirling around her that though well written, though well acted, it just did not hit home like it should have it should have been an immense moment. We find out in this scene. Spoiler alert, that, that Molly had actually seen her father cheating on her mother when she was five, but she didn't know she'd seen it but she internalize the event and came to disdain him for it even without remembering exactly why or so he hypothesizes. He gives her this three years of psychiatry and three minutes conversation therapy and it's good. Like I said, well act therapy, sorry. And they reach a conclusion. You put me in therapy after it all. She reaches a conclusion, but it's on earth. And we see the father in the beginning while she's explaining her childhood. And then he disappears for maybe an hour and a half of the runtime. We don't see anything about him. We hear about him once and that's when we hear see a flashback of her coming home when she's like 20 are in her late teens. And she's hearing her mom discuss angrily over the phone, the father cheating on her, but that's about it. And it seems like a lot of it seems like a huge lack of attention to be paid to something that is essentially the root of all of her issues. Yeah, her problems with her father, they form the foundation on which this entire film is built and to see it's paid such paltry attention. Yeah, it's kind of just like a slap in the face. I 100% agree. Also, besides that one scene, the character is only shown in flashback he's barely shown also, if the point is that hurt Molly's internalized problem is that he was cheating on the mother. Well, the movie cheats on the mother too, because she is almost barely in it. And I'm not saying oh man had to be out with the mother for scenes, three or four of the scenes. When he says three or four scenes, she's more or less like an extra. She's like a background character. So how, how am I supposed to care about Molly's relationship with her mother because this, it all relates like the relationship with the Father relates to her relationship with her mother, too. But it's just it's not well connected. We also don't know the relationship between the mother and the father. I wish Sorkin got rid of this whole father storyline. If because he didn't pay it any attention, like you said, and the scene on the park bench, you know, in isolation, it's decent. There's some witty dialogue that being said, this is not necessarily a scene where woody dialogue unlike earlier is what's necessarily needed right now right now, this needs to be it needs to hit home. As you said yonni we didn't really set up for that we didn't really the movies not really about that so much. So as pay off this is not rewarding as pay off. This doesn't work. And it's also something where I don't feel like I got anything new really from the character. But some of the stuff that the Father is presenting as new information just feels totally out of left field because again, the movies just not about any of that. So that was the biggest problem. Also, I would be remiss if I didn't say this I 100% predict this is what you will be ever as a father This is daddy Jani here is actually thinking the same thing while I was I am you know if two out of my three kids are insanely successful actually all three of them but I don't have a great relationship with one of them. You know, I feel like I feel like that's a win and see that's that's how ianniello Saturday medalist if I got a slap now but he becomes an Olympic She was also a millionaire Yanni. Jani. Jani is about that tough love about, you know, not showing any actual love. But that's love for some reason, you know, I'm also not gonna cheat on my wife. Also, just a side note, Mona By the way, Mona if you're listening, because I know you're listening Mona. I just, I'm just gonna say Watch out Jani. Because when he meets Molly bloom, and when he meets Jessica Chastain. You know, they're going to reject him so hard. That and he's gonna get so drunk that he's gonna go out with anybody at that. It's gonna be like a horrible moment. Yeah, yeah, totally. He's gonna go full tails two days. just expect that. Okay. Well, before we before we move on to your other dislike scenes because I think we've actually talked about all mine after this. One small logistical thing that really pissed me off about the scene was that they explain the Sorkin explains through Coster that he knew she was there because her mother told him that doesn't really do a great job of explaining it. It may explain why he's in New York, but it doesn't necessarily explain why he's at the ice rink. Because that the mothers of Molly bloom a woman in her 30s Molly bloom, a woman in her 30s texted her mother to tell her she was going ice skating after seeing lights in the distance that she assumed were an ice skating rink, right? Did Molly text him her mom that no, no, no, that's the only way the dad could have known that's where Molly would be if Molly had texted her mom about it gone to the ice rink mom had in the meantime, while she was traveling to the ice rink, called the dad and told her Hey, hon, you get your rump over there. Also, you're not my hon because you cheated on me 15 years ago, and then he raced over there ASAP with quickly enough for her to not even complete a full circle around the rink. It's just it's a nightmare trying to figure that. I don't know why. I don't know what the choice I don't know why they explain that why they just couldn't have been some other solve some other solution to that. But I don't think this scene happened in real life. Aaron Sorkin I call bullshit. This then happened in real life. I dare you to prove it. Molly bloom, put that in your next book. Oh, I mean, I assume nothing that outside of the book. I assume that nothing except for the actual court decision at the end actually transpired? Oh, like I said, eat yourself was made up. And even then some of the book was made up. So yeah, player x, who is he will never know. Maybe he is Andrew Garfield. Definitely not Tobey Maguire guys. Last time, it's absolute. Well, you know, if I had to pick between the two I would prefer that it would still be Tobey Maguire, who we're talking about. Not Andrew Garfield, but neither here nor there. Sean, I hear you dislike a couple of other scenes in this film. Well, I mean, here's the thing, we kind of the other scenes that I want to talk about, we kind of mentioned earlier to a degree, so I'm not going to talk about them a ton. Because one of the things that surprised me watching this again, was because I was anticipating the law, I actually didn't mind it as much as I have. The second time I was watching it. So I was actually, I, to be honest with you, I was on the lookout for scenes not to like and I was really struggling because I kept going. I actually really liked the scene, I thought I was gonna put the scene but I really liked the scene. And then later, same thing here. I really liked the scene. So I'll just lump these into two. But I'll lump these into one. But scenes I didn't particularly care for were the scene when Molly's in New York and there's some debate about her taking a rake, and then she ends up deciding to take a rake. Err, ago breaking the law for the first time. I didn't care for that scene just because there's so much other stuff going on, and why I understand why that's important. I feel like that could have been explained away in a narration. And concerning this movie, particularly the second half is too bloated. That's something I feel I could have so easily have went and we really would not have lost anything or cared similar to the pill scene. But Conversely, the other scene that I didn't care for, it's not really actually a scene that didn't care for but a lack of a scene was that throughout the movie were hyping up. So Molly gets pulled into this Rico case, because they're investigating Russian Jewish mobsters, right? The Russian Jewish mom, she's played at her new york game. So we hype these motherfuckers up with the entire movie. And they're in one scene where they first start playing the game. And that's it. Then we segue to these other monsters that are trying to extort Molly. So I'm like, what was the even the fucking point of bringing up these guys? If you're going to go somewhere else? Like, isn't it? Isn't this the thing you were leading us to in the first place? It's not that needed to be huge, significant. And be such a big plot point. It just feels really underwhelming to again, lead us bring so much anticipation to this and then just drop it. You know? So those two enlight which really just sums up second half of the movie, just not as strong as the first half. Yeah, any thoughts? Either? Yeah, that was a big problem I had with I mean, obviously it's like the Russian thing is a huge issue to me bigger bigger than it is to you. For them just to be talking nonstop about the Russians of how it was the Russians that eventually led to her downfall and not taking the rake but it was just it was all about the Russians in the beginning and they eventually get there and it's just very underwhelming just like a couple of bumbling guys show up. One is a rich Habib. I think he's a hippie and he brings her money as a form of collateral. It's like there's nothing intimidating about this. They're recoat for a reason. Why are they recode? Yeah, I want to I wanted to see more of that I wanted to see the the risk that Molly was actually dealing with by being with them. I know it's not necessarily that kind of movie didn't need to see a lot. Just wanted a little bit more. Just need more time. I mean, Chris, our doubts character had more time than them. Yeah. You know, then make any sense. He did. And then a Molly taking the rake. She's convinced by a character who she's known for a relatively short amount of time to eventually do it. Like she she she folds pretty quickly, I think at that point in time, but what for 10 years, so Max was just like, Max. I don't know. To me, I think the decision to do it should have been sparked by an interaction, a more significant interaction with possibly a more significant character. But it's this character whose name I can't even remember Harlan to take the rake no breaks the harlot, the chest, her tackling Ray Carlin was a cautionary tale. What could go wrong? Yeah, I guess but I mean, she specifically says what took her she specifically says that in that scene, that she had a flashback to Harlan not being able to pay back a million and change. And she was like, I'm playing with a lot more money right now. So what you're saying is that another character who had nothing to do with that period in time other than his interactions with her years prior had more effect on her decision than the person Who was actually suggesting it? Yeah, because she had been burned before then build it around that moment build it around Harlan somehow no yeah. Not necessarily the character but the memory or the the choice itself had to be spired by that and not just like this random you missed this up for like the full monty misses so many small moments. It's a small moment. You got to pay attention. Where are you? You're not paying attention Yani no I was paying attention. The thing what it's the same you you're saying that you have said multiple times now that he was trying to juggle too much and that the second act or sorry, the second part feels bloated? This is just one of those bloated things it just whizzes right by you when it needed more attention paid to it now I agree. I'm just mocking you on the full monty by the way. I made concessions about the third act i have been I will always own up to the fact that the third act of Full Monty is not great. It does not it stumbles it eventually sticks its landing unlike Bali or Molly's game that's gonna be a thing from now on. Isn't it can be like this motor landing, like or unlike Molly Palumbo. Well, it's just you know, eight encounter that branch and by a million to one chance it dislodge the ski and she went flying tumbling like a rag doll in the sky. Hmm. All right. Well, let's talk about our actors. Jessica Chastain. Ain't she a bitch. Don't you hate Jessica? chasteen I'm just kidding. Jessica, you aren't a bitch. You're lovely lady. I also just don't care for you as an actress. But you know, that's nothing against you. I don't I don't hate you. I just know, I'm not gonna see a movie for you. You're fine. Yeah, I mean, that was the only thing that I was really looking forward to coming into this. And I didn't really feel like there was something missing. There was just something missing in our performance. There wasn't. Let me tell you is way better than Miss Sloane. Oh, my God, I don't doubt that. It just felt like there was very little nuance to it. And maybe that's because I found the narration somewhat distracting, and that it also had to fill in for elements of our character that weren't expressed openly as a character. And we're instead relegated entirely to narration. But no, I, I I stand by it. When I say that I think Sorkin gave his actors a little more free range, meaning that he didn't really direct them as much as he probably should. Or he didn't have a he didn't have a vision in mind. You know, he had all the chess pieces on the board. And he just stood there and he was like, these are all the moves I want you to make. This is how we can beat the opposing team. And then he just propped those instructions on top of the inanimate chess pieces and walked away from the board expecting to win. Okay, you know, let's ignore Jessica chest aim, though. I brought her up. But we'll talk about Sorkin now because you want to bitch about Aaron Sorkin. Okay. So I really disagrees direction y is direction, not his writing. I actually I'm talking about his direction right now. Shut the fuck up. I like his direction, specifically, specifically his direction. It's funny. So I watched some Martin breast movies with a friend recently. And, you know, with Martin breast or with some other directors, I can agree, you know, letting the actor just do their thing and be more hands off with the directing. And you know, sometimes that's fine. But this is something where I know you haven't seen it. But like, I feel like West Wing can be accused of this to where, you know, the actors are really great. And if you look at it without really looking at it, without really paying attention to it, you can say, Oh, you know, I don't feel like there's much direction going on. And that's something where I had initially looked at it. But then when you actually pay attention and look at the shots, and however thing was staged and set up and all these little things, you go, Oh, shit, there's so much thought put into here. But it's also, like you said to a degree Yeah, he did let the actors kind of just roam free. But I don't think that's necessarily a huge issue as far as, as far as acting is concerned. I think that can be a strength and I feel like that works here. Because, as they say, 90% of directing, is picking the right actors and he picked maybe Jessica Chastain wasn't necessarily the best actress, but for the most part, he picked solid actors, and they did a good job by as far as like cinematography and editing and how that stuff cut. I thought that was really well done. That being said, Yeah, he'd knocked off David Fincher, a bit Sure, I will give you that. But there have been so many a couple of people but there have been so many instances where I've seen something like that done so shoddily where no, I'm not gonna say this is in the same league of just for the sake of similar reference and for David Fincher are one of the greatest directors. I'm not gonna say, Man, Aaron Sorkin is amazing freakin director right out of the gate now. But I think as a freshman debut, he did a really solid job. And I think part of it was when the movie first came out, I took in a lot of interviews, and a lot of what he did was having faith in the people he was working with, and having coming in with strong ideas, but also working together. And I feel like that really shows, you know, between the editing and the How is Shai? Everything. He he, as a director delegate a lot, but just didn't feel to me like he had a strong enough vision a I think it was a strong vision. I think it really, really worked well together. I don't I do I strongly strongly do vision. I think it was I think it was modeled, it was modeled by the detail. I think the themes are muddled. I think the direction specifically was strong. Not again, I'm not saying a plus I say a plus direction B plus we're not in a tear yet. But he's he's close enough there. I'd say a solid c now he's better ever better than I see that. What do you put beneath it? Because I've seen so much shittier stuff. I mean, this is solid, like what everything else be a deer nfcu. If we're talking about freshmen efforts, and I'm speaking about this film, specifically as a freshman ever because it is I don't think you're and I made this note already earlier on that very frequently. First efforts. There's a lot of room to grow. Yes. And you'll find that director Yes, a lot of room to grow that point. But I mean, even Fincher, for instance, take let's let's take Fincher, aliens three, there was some good stuff there. But on the whole, it wasn't fantastic. You saw that there were the there was the an laga for a greater structure to develop, from everything that he presented. Now also the studio that maybe not the best example because the studio also kind of screwed with his cut. But at the end of the day, he grew from it. He learned from the experience, it made him a better director. It made him fine tune his conveyance of vision and tone. And Sorkin while he is a very experienced screenwriter, he has been writing for 25 plus years, right? Yeah, more, maybe more. Let's Let's even say 30. He's been writing for 30 years. This was his first feature film, directorial direction. And I gotta say, he probably didn't. I, what I assumed was was right, I made an assumption without knowing anything about the production of this film. I assumed that he just let people do their jobs. And that's what it feels like. It feels like if we're talking about on the A to F scale something right, down the middle is a see. That's what it is. It's not great. Plus, it's not bad. It's right in the middle. It's just kind of add. Now I think with his subsequent films, he's going to grow he's going to get a lot better. Yeah, I think he's gonna get a lot fucking better. But he, the way he directed his actors, he was good with line delivery. But for the most part, they were just standing or sitting around whenever they were delivering their lines. We didn't really get sure sure the block and was an amazing, like a very wooden person. I mean, Jessica chest and depth to him. I can't deny that. Well, he that she's the protagonist. So as as a director, you got to work with that. You got to improve it. Yeah. You got to improve Michael Cera. Actress, not Tobey Maguire was an i weird, okay. For the most part, it felt like he was just doing an impression of another actor. My point being it there, there were a lot of dense, a lot of imperfections in the effort in the final, you know, seventh grade. In the final freshman year woodshop class project, overall teacher would have given him a C for it. I know. Better than a C, but it was a C know what, you got to be the I imagine if you are actually a professor, like, like I said, you're gonna be Kevin Costner when you grow up. So you're gonna be a professor like him. I don't know if it's gonna be psychology, but I'll probably be creative writing or some stupid shit, right? So you're just gonna give all your students like C's and DS, and people will go who got an A, and you're the kind of Professor will be like, you're all shit. No, you're all terrible. And then people will be like, Someone else will read the work and be like, Oh, I think this is actually pretty good. You're like, Well, no, this is bad. That's my exact career pathway. It kind of it brings a tear to my eye to know that you know me that well. I really appreciate that. So anyways, we're at agreement Aaron Sorkin on Molly's game for direction. Fuck, you know, fuck your opinion. Also, listeners listeners I I need to bring this up right now because I was thinking about this Yani demands that I believe all his expletives and that he often refrains from cursing on this podcast. But what he neglects to mention is that I came up with an idea for the title of this podcast. Why don't remember what it is. You want to know who came up with the title? Fuck your opinion? Jani. It was his idea. So don't think he's, I'm sure you don't think he's already a nice guy for the title that would best express your sentiments towards me. My ideas and film and movies? Yes, it was not my personal opinion. If I were to have a podcast, I wouldn't name it that, but it's yours. And guess what your original one was? Shit. Well, you know what? 30% of this podcast is apparently yours. So, you know. I don't want that part. You can keep it. I don't want it. Why I can take 30% of the ad revenue back. Yeah, sure. Thanks, Johnny. No, you gave jack shit. I'll take that included in your 70% I'll take thank you for the TA you heard it here, folks and lawyers, and everyone in the future. Jani is giving me his 30% of the ad revenue. Thank you. Oh, and by the way, speaking about censoring me speaking about censoring me. You forgot to do it. You forgot to do it a handful of times a handful of times in the in the human tornado episode and in the full tort in the full monty episode. And my mom heard it and she got angry. Here right she didn't. You wouldn't listen to her. You wouldn't she didn't. I told her. You said we had two listeners my work friend and Mona my mom listens to it right away. She didn't tell you I told her mom don't listen to the first episode like your mom not paying you is a bad boy curse old ones. Okay, let's there's I got to talking to okay. I don't want Okay, listeners, listeners listeners. I want you to know right now, do the thing I want you to know right now. I send these episodes Yani weeks ahead of time for him to listen to you and make notes. Now I will give him I will give him that for the very first two episodes. I did not take out the curses. And he made notes on the curses. And I said we think I'm an idiot. I'm not going to take out the curses. Because those were work in progress cuts, those were not finished cut. Now everything after Episode Two, I've more or less said this is the final cut unless you have notes. And he has not given me notes on these specific ones specifically with human tornado. Why he is leaving now. Is that at the time of this because this is how you know it's a bullshit story. That episode hasn't even come out yet. So no, I don't think your mother listened to that episode. You fucking liar. That's number one. Second of all, I take the I take them and I show them to my mom, you tell your mom tuff shed, Okay, stop listening to her podcast. She doesn't need to listen to the podcast. I can lose that listener. She's not giving me any ad revenue. She sponsor she got a sponsor this podcast. If she wants to sponsor then you know what? I'll take out everything. Also, like I told you give me the notes. It's not like I just put them out into oblivion and say, you know, deal with it. Yani, I give you any video hours. It's hours and hours of listening. I don't know how you people listen to podcasts. I hate Oh, I'm sorry. You have to listen to like an hour and a half. I spend hours upon hours editing one episode. It hurts my arms. I have arm pain. I have tendinitis because of this shit. And yeah, he doesn't care. He doesn't want to help me out at all because of that. He says Fuck off, Shawn. I'm gonna go you know, make love to my fiance. I don't give a shit. While you have to die alone. I hope you enjoy staring at your computer screen late at night so I can fight to fight you. And fuck Jessica Chastain. But not sexually. I gotta. I gotta warn my mom about this one. I'm not letting her know there's no there's no episode eight teen mom. Don't worry no 17 This is 17 This is gonna be 17 there's no Episode 17 mom we just skipped from 16 to 18 Don't worry about it. It's not I get this right and this hypothetical that you just said that right? She would have had to listen to the whole episode for you to say this this episode that she's currently listening to this none exist. Am I getting that right? No, I mean, no, no, I was I was speaking like as if I was talking to her. The night before the the hypothetical premiere of Episode 17 Why don't you tell her that? She wants to know what I'm doing with my life. Just lie like what I do. I mean, in all fairness, I just tell my mom Life is good. You know? And then that just ends things. My mother's she's a very she's a wonderful woman. She's Oh, well. I can't not share my life with her. Okay, give me give me one detail about your mother. Well, she's the only woman I've met at her. And who? Ever she's also my fiance. Oh, no, she's she's Oedipus Rex. Did you kill your father? Wow, Jani. Well, I am Greek. So she's all right. Oh, wait, wait, this really is this really is the return? You really did kill your father, didn't you? Huh? Well, I didn't know he was my father at the time. Listeners if you didn't listen to that episode. The kids in that movie kill their father accidentally, of course. But you know, still ties in spoiler alert. You're not gonna watch it listeners. If you didn't listen to the episode, right? You're not gonna watch that movie? You've never heard of it before. But you should. It's a good one. Yeah, sure, surely, yeah, you should recommend it your official seal of the Seal of Shawn. That's right, seal and Shawn, the same word with one different letter at the end. Okay, let's just end this thing. Let us show Let's just end this thing. What's your rating? You know, I'm trying to figure it out. So initially, what I wanted to do what I wanted my rating to be was Jessica, stains height in heels, but it's a little bit low for this, it was gonna be wind up being like 510. So it would have been like, five and five, six, roughly like a 5.8. Seems a little unfair. It's a little bit low. It's not exactly a C. However, because I don't believe that a perfect film does exist. I can't say that a 10 is an A. So if I'm gonna say that maybe like anywhere from an eight to 10 is an A well then you've got a and then a plus. It's like it's a it's like a current exponent. It's a log, you know, it's an exponential curve. It just stupid thing ever. It's a lot higher. No, like a bell curve. There we go. I'd say this is probably 6.5. Yeah, no, I enjoyed Kabhi Khushi. kabhi. gham more than this. Wow. That's Yeah, the two hours and 20 minutes of cabbie Khushi Kabhi Gham that we're actually good. We're better than these two hours and 20 minutes. That's fascinating. You know, listeners, I gotta say, so. I'm shocked. And that. Nothing about what Jani just said. Because I don't give a shit. I'm just shocked because I realized I didn't talk about my lawsuit anymore. Like I I was just so infuriated by everything I said. So anyways, I really connect with Jani I really connect with Molly by being unfairly sued. And, you know, fuck people that Sue people during a pandemic, but it's like, so fucked up. And I've been having a bit of wine. And I'm stirred up now. It's okay. I think you'll stick the landing. Oh. Fuck you. And I just I don't know if you can hear it. But I'm patting myself on the back. Oh, hope that back gets broken. Anyways, yeah, I'm really fucking upset. That's also happened to the movie. And I had to give a deposition, which would have already happened at this point. So I had to go I have to go there. And yeah, I have a mask on and shit. And it's just so stupid. This world man, United States of America. Are you I'm sorry. When you say man, have you been talking to me? Or the or the? Or the audience because you you've kind of just been ranting here for the last 10 minutes. And yeah, I don't really know. It's you're starting to blur the line. You're breaking that. If there could be a it was like a ceiling. Let's call that the fifth wall. You kind of just jumped through the ceiling. Now you're being tossed around in the wind, like a paper bag that Wes Bentley is videotaping. Yeah, well, if that's me, then you're the Kevin Spacey, the dirty ripped at the aggregator. Not that the character and just the actor, the actor at the time though. He was still doing that shit at the time. But nobody knew that doesn't make it okay. So like if But here's the thing if I'm Kevin Spacey at that time I'm getting away with it that doesn't make it okay. Mona Mona if you're listening I still at this point Shroff this asshole to say I know Johnny's mother if you're actually listening distance yourself from your child Say no more. You're You're too repugnant. Jani. there's a there's a great there's a great 30 rock quote from Liz lemon where she goes, I feel she goes something like I feel like Hitler before the Holocaust in Germany. I imagine that's what Kevin Spacey felt like in the 90s there was a I so I, because of this whole fucking lawsuit, I've needed a good pick me up and I've actually been watching a lot of 30 rock and I forgot a lot of it. It's really fucking funny. I really enjoyed it, but it is really funny. There is a there was a Hitler joke in the queen of Jordan episode. I forgot what it was jack Donaghy made it because he kept slipping and looking like an idiot. He said he made some Hitler. Oh, nobody talks about his paintings. Yeah. Yeah, 30 rock. Good show. Good show. Anyways, Johnny, what are we watching? 6.5. Well, you know what? I'm not entirely sure I know right now every because because as we began to talk more and more about Aaron Sorkin and this being his directorial debut, I kind of wanted to pick another directorial debut. So, you know, what have you seen Night of the Hunter? What's that? Oh, we're doing Night of the Hunter. That's it. Like is this we're doing? child murderer? Yes. Oh my god. All right, Johnny. You really are the Kevin Spacey of this podcast. Oh, well. You know what I say to that, Shawn? What What do you say? Go fuck yourself. Fuck you to Jani.

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